Sunday, May 26, 2013

What a great way to celebrate my birthday.

We had breakfast at 7am and left at 7:30am.  A 2.5 hour drive to KWO's Adingo-Opango location.  We celebrated Holy Communion with our brothers and sisters on the other side of the world in Kenya.  Two local pastors shared scripture in English and the local dialect.  Children sang for us.  Voices were loud.  Hands were clapping.  No organs. No keyboards.  Just praise.

We didn't know the words, but we felt the Spirit.  It fascinated me that we were a family in Christ, even though we had never met before.  This was truly a God moment.  Eileen, our team leader commented that we (Americans) have a lot to learn about worshipping our Lord.  Amen.

Lunch was white rice, red rice, Kenyan tortillas (my Texas diagnosis), a huge pile of cornbread dough, some brown meat and the slowest chicken.  Then to work.

Again, the generators would not power up both dental units.  We quickly followed yesterday's plan.  We screened 47 patients.  Mark extracted 21 bad teeth and Julie and I filled 21 teeth.  This smaller location was in a 16x24 aluminum building and was hot.  Good thing that I doubled up on deodorant this morning!  Not bad for 2.5 hours of work.

About two hours into clinic, it struck me what a wonderful wife that I had.  One who would travel around the world with her man, to the poorest people, suck spit and blood, sweat, and still smile.  I stopped drilling, looked her in eyes and told her, "I love you".

We had to leave early because the skies had turned black and we had a 45 minute mountain drive on red African dirt roads.  Luckily, we dodged the storm, but saw one wrecked Jeep, and so much small hail that it looked like snow.

The power went for about 30 minutes before dinner, so everyone sang Happy Birthday to me with candlelight and I blew out one of the candles.

A great birthday.

Hard to describe today....for you 4th know that feeling when you first arrive and wonder what you're doing there and then minute by minute, day by day, He shows you.  Worship was truly just that ....worship....I felt very small...very humbled....a good thing.

Though my skills as a dental assistant are extremely limited, I do feel that God is using me as a comforter to His scared and hurting.  Touch is powerful.
I am grateful to be working alongside a man who listens and honors our God through his actions and his gifts.

We are having fun, developing community....all while loving and praying for those of you at home ....we miss you.  Our Internet is supplied by what I'm sure is a very expensive portable wi-fi courtesy of KWO Ministries ( and if you haven't checked out their website,,,DO) ....must try and get some sleep for a very busy day tomorrow....supposed to see over 100 kids tomorrow.  Love you all". :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful birthday Alan! Happy Birthday btw! I agree ... you have an Amazing wife! I am so honored to be in Reunion group with her and always learn so much from her! We miss y'all but so glad you are getting to serve in this amazing way! What a blessing all the way around! Keep soaking it all in!
    Love & Prayers!
